Saturday, January 1, 2011

A great start

Today to get started off on the right foot, we have been doing a little organizing. First we took all of the new and remaining DVD's out of their jackets and put them all together in a big DVD book. We also took all of our CD's that we never listen to and uploaded just the 1 or 2 songs we like from each CD to Itunes. Then we totally went through the basement and organized all of our storage stuff down there. So much better! It feels great to have some things that have been on the "to do" list forever to finally be crossed off. Now if we could just manage to get a little nap in I would call the day a complete success!

1 comment:

  1. wow!! can you come here and kick my big booty into gear??

    It always feels so nice getting things crossed off "the list."
