If there has ever been a case of Mommy guilt, when it comes to Jane's first birthday there is a lot of just that, mega guilt. Her actual birthday was April 21st and we were down in Atlanta "buying" a house so needless to say the only thing that happened on her actual day was that she wore a cute little shirt that my Mom bought that said "I'm the Birthday girl!" We bought some cupcakes at the grocery store but when it came down to it, there really was nowhere for her to eat it and not make a huge mess since we were in a hotel and all. So... because of that I felt really bad and wanted to do a take II. About a week after we came home from Georgia and things settled down a bit, we again bought cup cakes and for a family home evening tried to have a little party. Sadly instead of great pictures and a great night the kids were all fighting over what color they got etc. Even as we were singing Happy Birthday the kids were fighting in the background and we would intermittently stop and yell "knock it off, it's your sister's Birthday!" Needless to say it was not a memorable day, at least not in the way I would have liked. In fact now two months later we never even bought her a gift to open. She opened some gifts from my parents in Atlanta since they were there with us, and the gifts from my in laws at her "second" party. I know everybody says she doesn't care, and she'll never know, but none the less I feel bad about it. I guess we'll have to do it up right when she turns 2!
Jane is now 14 months...and still a sweetheart, though admittedly she has just suddenly started showing she can have a real opinion about things. She now screams when she wants things her way. She is also trying to feed herself with a spoon like with yogurt and things. She does alright but if I thought she was a messy eater before, that was nothing to now. She still is not walking, and I'm ok with that for now. She is still calm and laid back. When we go to the park she is still mostly happy to just sit calmly in her stroller and watch the kids run and play. I know this is unusual and it won't be long before she will be having a fit and running around.
She hates to give kisses and will NOT give a kiss if you ask her. They are seldom and at complete random times on her own terms. Last night I was holding her and talking to Rand telling him I was sad about something and that exact moment I mentioned I was sad she whipped her binki out quick as a flash and reached up and give me a big, huge kiss on the mouth. I couldn't believe it. It made it feel so much better and I don't know if that was sheer coincidence or if she could feel I was sad, or understood somehow was I was saying. All I know is she is a sweetheart and we sure are glad she's a part of our family.
She is starting to say a few words and now says Dada, mama (on occasion, although she mostly calls me Fafa for whatever reason) says yum, wow, bye, hi and i think that's about it.
She will never know (well she will know because I am sure you will tell her about it) but she won't remember so it will be all good and she will hold it against you the rest of your life so I am sure she will get extra spoiled in future birthdays :) She is such a little beauty and I am so glad she gave you a big hug and kiss when you needed it, she is definitely a sweetheart!