Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bad Attitude

Today Ethan has graced us with a bad attitude. I don't know if he's just tired from his first full week of school but it hasn't been a good day. Finally I decided in order to change his thinking he needed to write a grateful list. In the past this has worked like a charm. Tonight I don't know how much it changed his attitude, but we tried. Here is his last hours work. It seriously took him about that long. I will add that we only made him write 10 things. I should have said 30 and told him I would write my own 50 later tonight.

Wii, family, lego guys, food, water, friends, room, bed, house, cheese. Of course cheese would be on the list. He must be related to his grandpa!


  1. I think that is a pretty good list. He seemed to really think it through. 50 is quite a long list. Did you make it to that number?

  2. I think we should all do that when we have a bad attitude. Good thinking, Mom!
