Saturday, September 4, 2010

A month ago today

A month ago I boarded a plane with my Mom and the kids to move here. What an adventure it has been. We have been really blessed and for the most part are really happy to be here. There are a lot of things that we really like about being here. A few that we don't but we still feel like we are supposed to be here and we will make the best of it.

This week the kids finally start school. I am anxious for them in a good and bad way. Anxious for all the fun and new things they will do and learn. Anxious that they have to adapt to a new place, home, school, friends, environment, teacher, etc. They have been so brave and great throughout this transition and I think they are amazing. Not one of the kids has ever made mention of "home". I almost find that strange, but choose to see that as a blessing that they seem comfortable here and that as long as we are together as a family then we are in fact "home".

In a months time we have been very, very busy and done and seen a lot of things. That is one thing I really love here, so much to see and do. We will never be bored, that's for sure. When we first came here everything was purely excitement and new and novel. It still is fun and exciting but reality is also settling in and quite honestly it's hard sometimes to think this is our new life, away from all of our family, our friends, and normal conveniences we take for granted. For example, we don't have a disposal. I had no idea what a beautiful thing a disposal was until realized I didn't have one. Now when you wash your dishes and try to drain you sink you have to stick your hand down and try to grab all the gross little slimy, wet particles that are clogging the little holes that don't allow the water to drain. It isn't pretty. It's not a big deal I realize but I don't like it. I sure do have so much more respect than I already had for our friends who live over seas in China, Hong Kong and Australia. Way to go girls you are amazing!!!!


  1. A move is such a growing experience. Give yourselves six months. That is what Carol Anne told me when we went to Belgium and I found it to be true. You only have 5 more months. Good luck!

  2. wow, I can't believe that its been a month! We still miss you guys like crazy but I love hearing about your new experiences (I like to live vicariously through you). It would be so hard leaving everything that is familiar behind but like you said, home is where ever your family is. You will have so many grand adventures and experiences and I am already jealous :) I can't believe your kids are finally starting school. I hope you are get some sleep tonight and that the morning goes smoothly. I am excited to hear about it!

  3. HAHA! I love the disposal thing. I haven't had one since we lived in AZ. For some reason, NJ just doesn't do disposals. We have been told it is because the plumbing is just too old to deal with disposals. You get used to it after a while and will make a habit of scraping plates etc. into the garbage can before putting them into the sink.
