Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Tomorrow we will be on our way to Georgia! My emotions are many as you can imagine, excitement tinged with a little worry and anxiety. I'm hoping that the 14 hrs in the car goes smoothly and all will be well. I'm praying we not only find a home in a great neighborhood but that the owner will be willing to let us close in at least 60 days. I have faith that things will work out for us.

Also this week our little Jane will turn 1. Can you believe it? I can't, and with that big event also comes mixed emotions. The time has passed quickly that's for sure. Jane is suddenly becoming a big girl waving and saying "hi" and is now even crawling all over the place. It's really fun to see her change and develop.

I'm also feeling sad and a little helpless as there is a man our our street and a member of our church, who is basically being kicked out of the room he has been renting in a home here. In fact for the past several months he has not even had heat in his little room. We have tried to do the little we can to help him. He keeps coming by today offering us things he has since he has no where to go and nowhere to put it. I feel so helpless and wish I knew what we could do. It makes me feel guilty and yet very grateful for the situation we are in. Here we are on our way to buy a new home, while this poor man by tomorrow is basically homeless. That is one thing I have learned while living here. So many people go without so much. We are so incredibly blessed. There are rich and poor all over the world but I have never seen such a stark contrast so vividly before. I watch mothers on our street with day old infants walking their children to school in a snow storm because they don't own a car. This man on our street just came and gave us a frozen turkey that someone gave him at Christmas time but he had no way to cook, and now has nowhere to keep it, and yet we who are blessed with so much now have his turkey sitting in our freezer!?! I told him that when we come back from out trip I will cook it and have him come to dinner. I'm grateful that the things we see and experience here give our children a chance to see the difference opportunity, education, and many other life experiences make. I hope it will make them a little kinder, a little more tolerant, and a much less judge mental of people and their circumstances. I know I could do better myself. At times I feel guilty for the comforts of life that we not only have right now, but will be blessed with in Georgia.

Like I said, mixed emotions...wish us luck!


  1. Have a wonderful trip and wishing for the very best house hunting adventure. It should be beautiful in Georgia with dogwood and azalea in bloom. Can you feel the jealous vibes?! Enjoy! Happy birthday to Kate. :)

  2. Wow. It is crazy to see such a stark contrast in life situations. You were meant to be in the place you are to bless the lives of all those that surround you. You did it here, you do it in NJ and you will do it in georgia. I am so blessed to have you as a friend. I can't believe jane is going to be a year. I seriously makes me teary. I feel like we were just visiting you in the hospital. I remember it all so vividly. I hope that the drive goes smoothly too!!! Good luck and I am so excited to hear all about it and to see you in 11 days!!!

  3. Ash - it will be GREAT! Good Luck and SERIOUSLY ONE, where did the time go for our little girlies? Sad yet oh so sweet!
