Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Beach Boys

Yes it's cold and maybe a tad dreary in a January sort of way. But, if you just put on a little Beach Boys CD and turn it up loud you'll start feeling pretty darn good, pretty darn fast. That's what we've been doing around here. Especially when I take Ethan to school early in the morning. Upbeat music makes a good start for the day. When we were on our way to school yesterday while listening to the Beach Boys Ethan said "Mom, I really like old fashioned music!" The other things that are helping me not feel the winter blah's this year is making a list of all the fun things I want to do this Spring and Summer.

And when we start feeling like we don't really love this place I just try to remember all the things that we totally LOVED about it when we first got here. Like walking downtown in 3 minutes time for a slice of pie (that's pizza here) or a goodie from the bakery, or just for a little window shopping. And we can walk a few minutes to the park where the kids make a million friends within minutes and play all sort of games like cops and robbers. Or the fact that we can jump on the train on a Saturday when kids ride free and see the sites of NYC! I have to admit I am just dying to get myself over to central park. I've actually never been there, and can only imagine how beautiful New York will be in the Spring.

In the past I have sometimes suffered from what I refer to as "whenititis" where you think "when ____ happens I'll be happy" like when I lose weight, make more money, live in a bigger house etc. I haven't been living like that for awhile now by accepting what is and it's great. So it's January and it's cold, just think, in no time flat we'll all be eating chocolate for Valentines day and green pancakes for St. Patty's day, and all of the sudden it will be Spring!


  1. You've got to go to Central Park and go for a carriage ride. I did it in March it was freezing but they had warm blankets and it was so much fun!

  2. You'll love Central Park! You all should go ice skating in the city while it's still cold. It's so neat even to just watch, so I'm sure it must be amazing to actually be on the ice. :)

  3. What a great attitude. Now just go and do all of the things on your list. You probably won't be there for a long time. Seize the day!

  4. Great plan! You are awesome, Ash. I love the organizing day, too! I'm inspired!
