Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In my dream world

In my dream world, when my children to ask to play in the snow, I would have a mudroom as big as my kitchen with a locker for each child will all their snow "paraphenalia" where it's supposed to be. It would take all of about 3 minutes to dress every child, only after they have each gone to the bathroom, twice. Then they would prace out into the beauty of the winter wonderland and frolick and play and enjoy hour after hour of laughter filled bonding moments with their siblings. (ok, so what I really mean is get dress quick and stay outside!)

The reality is. It took us at least 2o minutes to find the other mitten. 10 minutes to get dressed, per child. 3 minutes before Anna was crying with "snow in her boots", 5 minutes before Kate was pounding on the door screaming "I need to go potty!" and then refusing to let me just pull down her pants and help her. No she had to completely undress to do her business only to redress in all her wet clothing. It is now 2 minutes later and Anna is already inside with the threat that if she really is coming inside she is staying inside. Ethan and Kate are still outside for what I bet will be about 10 more minutes... if I'm lucky.

The good news is I have cinnamon rolls in the oven and hot cocoa on standby. So all in all it isn't too bad, especially if the cinnamon rolls can count for dinner, because in that regard, I got nothin'


  1. good ole snow clothes. luckily ty and e can get there own stuff on and I make bren wear a pull up when he goes out so that saves a lot of my problems but there isn't a problem that cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate can't fix! and that is a perfect dinner. if you feel really guilty, get out a fruit salad and call it good :) we had french toast for dinner and I didn't do a single fruit or veggie and i was fine with that :)

  2. hahahahahahaha. oh man. i can relate. i love your stories

  3. I think the cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate sound really good. Hang in there. Winter can't last forever, or can it?
