Friday, January 21, 2011

Miss Smartie Pants

Kate is a sweetheart to be sure, but she also is a little pill from time to time. Today for instance being "fun Friday" I told her we would make cookies together once the other kids were off to school. From past experience I know that she will snitch some dough, then more, and more every time I look away. Because of this I made her some lunch first. I asked her to eat it and a minute later with just one bite taken, I found it in the garbage. It was a brand new garbage bag with nothing but her lunch in it so I took her lunch out and told her she needed to eat it if we were going to bake. I left her at the table to finish while I put Jane to bed.

When I came back she happily told me she ate all her lunch! I'm not that stupid, so I went to the garbage to see if it was there. Not only was it not there, neither was the garbage sack. She had thrown her lunch in the garbage bag, closed it up and put in on the back porch. What a Stinker!

She probably won this battle because then I just gave her something else to eat and then of course we made our cookies, and of course she begged and pleaded for a "tiny" bite again and again and again, and of course she's just so darn cute, what am I to do but give it to her!?


  1. That was Randall logged in as Ashli saying Kate is a genius:)

  2. That is hilarious! SO creative - you gotta give her some serious props for that one!

  3. I love kate! seriously, she has always made me laugh and has always been too smart for her own good :)

  4. lol! what a stinker. i love her.

  5. So cute! :) I couldn't believe how grown-up she was when I saw her! She'll keep you on your toes, for sure. :)
