Thursday, March 31, 2011

Did I mention we're moving?

4 months from today we will be settled in a new home(hopefully), in a new state (Georgia), and plan to settle down. (Insert gasp here) This upcoming move will be our 12th in 13years. I'm not sure how I feel about actually being settled but I'm sure once we are settled in it will be wonderful. I'm sad about leaving a place I have worked hard to call "home". We have a fantastic ward, I have made good friends, found my niche and now we get to start all over...again. This upcoming move is what has consumed most of my thoughts lately and I finally decided it was time to make the "announcement". I think it makes me nervous when things are not all done and signed for.

We are driving down to Alpharetta, Georgia the 3rd week of April with the kids. It's Spring break for them and we are going to go house hunting. My parents have even offered to meet us there to help with the kids. Isn't that fantastic? I've watched my share of house hunters and I'm really excited that it's finally our turn. I have dreamt about this all my married life. Do you realize we will actually have a garage? Or two or 3? The prospect is very exciting and yet VERY overwhelming. I'm excited that our children will finally be able to really put down roots, for good. And yet even while I write this it scares me because you just never know what life is going to bring and what will uproot us again. For now I'm just trying to focus on the many positives that this change will bring. Randall and I didn't used to like change but look at us now! Everywhere we have been we knew it was just temporary and that we just had to make it work. Not now. This time we are choosing our future, and thankfully it's looking bright. (and sunny!)


  1. Awwwwwww!!!!! You will love Georgia! We lived in Roswell (next to Alpharetta) for a few months and loved it. We made great friends there. And the fall is GORGEOUS! And the houses are too! Jon worked in ATL quite a bit with his last job and we really like the area. We may someday end up close by there. One word of advice for your trip and your new life there: GPS! The roads are insane. And frequently change names! Anyway, I'm excited for you and wish you luck!

  2. I love Georgia! Beautiful trees. Don't stand still too long or kudzu will over take you.

  3. I have been waiting for this post! I am soooooo excited for you. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Atlanta. I am sure you will love it, especially the weather :) I have only drove through atlanta and it was when I was younger so I really don't remember it at all, so I am excited to come visit :)

  4. WHAT! Wait. I need more details. I feel like you just moved out here and we have only gotten together once. Wow, I am great friend. So, who is Randall working for? When are you officially leaving? I am sure you will be very missed in your ward and circle of friends!

  5. Seriously SO exciting! I cant wait for you guys, and Georgia is such a neat place (so I've heard)! I can hardly wait to come visit you guys out there now! And I don't doubt you will find a niche here!

  6. We are so excited for you guys! I can't wait to hear more about your house adventures and everything else. For being someone who doesn't like change, you have always done such a great job at making a "home" wherever you are. Congrats!

  7. Wow! How exciting! You'll have to post all the juicy details. Good luck in the coming months!

  8. I'm excited for you! I know nothing of Georgia but have always thought of it as a charming place. We, too, are moving this summer.It'll be our 12th move in 12 years of marriage and it won't be our last. I'm a firm believer that moving is actually a great character builder for kids. I can't wait to here all about your big move!

  9. I'm so happy for you guys! I know how much a garage will mean to you, and a big kitchen, and beautiful yard all to yourselves... (sigh) :) Hopefully you'll really get to settle down and enjoy it all. Good luck with the house hunting! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  10. Wow! See you on the weekend and you can tell us aaaallll about it
