Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's Coming...School time that is

I'm overwhelmed with different emotions as the kids prepare to start school in just 3 days...gasp. While there were a few days last week that I couldn't wait for that day to come, now it's practically here and I can hardly believe it. We have had a great summer filled with many fun and busy things. The time has literally passed faster than I ever could have imagined. Last summer was the LONGEST summer of my life. It probably had something to do with the fact that we had just moved here, I had a brand new baby, we didn't join the local pool, and I didn't know anybody or anywhere to go, AND we had almost an extra month of summer since Utah gets out of school so early and they start so late here. This year however there was always something to do or see or someone here visiting us. I have a list of things that we did that I want to blog about, and yet don't even know when I will get the time to sit down to unload my camera full of pictures.

Things are are only going to continue to be busy. Ethan will have soccer on Tuesday and Saturdays, Anna gymnastics on Thursdays, Ethan and Anna both have piano on Wednesdays and all sort of meetings and baby showers and RS activities all of which I'm in charge of to keep us going full stream ahead.

I'm looking forward to some time to de-junk from all the summer accumulation, deep clean, and get organized. The thing I am excited for the most is having things once cleaned to actually stay that way without 4 kids and their whirlwind to mess it up the second it's been completed. Although I have to say that Kate is our biggest mess maker as of late. She is very into building forts and "traps", using anything she can find to basically make just a huge pile of junk. Then of course when she is asked to clean it up, she replies "I'm too young, or it's too heavy" or a smattering of other excuses. Oh, and I already forgot that Kate will start school too on Friday. She will go to school 3 mornings a week. I think she's ready and will love it and I'm sure once she starts I will love the time I have with just Jane to get things done. The thought of leaving her for those hours a week right now makes me a wee bit sick. Not in a I don't think this is a right kind of way, but a how is it possible that she is 4 and going to school? Next year she will start Kindergarten and go ALL DAY! That thought almost breaks my heart and yet I think she will do fine and enjoy it. Included in her preschool is an activity each day. Monday she does dance, Tuesday she has a swimming lesson, and Friday she has gym and fitness. I'm anxious to see how she takes to all of these new experiences. I think she will be one tired cookie come night time.

This time of year is also one of the busiest with my calling. I am over the activities in Relief Society as well as the 6 weekly groups that we have. I have great group leaders but I kind of have to get everything organized and up and running. We also have a RS quarterly activity next week and I only have 1 committee member and she was just called to be the VT coordinator so is busy herself so basically the activity is all on me. It's all good and it's nothing too hard it just adds to my now already full plate. The good news is I'm learning to lower my expectations and to delegate. Our ward is great and people are always willing to help if you just ask. I'm just trying to keep this all in mind as I go to back to school and don't accidentally over commit myself to helping in my kids classrooms. There's a time and a season right?

I'm anxious for this next phase and hope it's a smooth transition. Randall gave all the kids and myself our "Back to school" blessings this afternoon and that was nice. I don't think the kids realize what a big deal that is. We tried to help them understand what a blessing it is that they have a Father in the home that not only loves them, but holds and is worthy to use his Priesthood to bless them whenever then need. I still remember receiving a father's blessing before school each year and think it is a very sweet and important tradition. We'll see how the week goes. Wish us luck!


  1. Best of luck this week!!! It is all an adjustment but you will handle it always do. If anyone can keep up with the crazy schedules, it is you. There is a time and a season for everything and you don't need to feel like now is the time to go crazy with school volunteering. If things slow down a little after christmas, and you WANT to then go for it but for now, you don't need to add another thing! And I sure hope you got your back to school blessing as well. I have started including myself in the back to school blessing rotation and I love it!!

  2. I was thinking about you this week! I hope, despite the lice scare, everything went well! I've loved the mornings I have with just Ariana at home. :) That's going to be so nice for you, although I have a hard time believing Kate's old enough to be gone so much, too! Guess I still think of her as a little three-year-old... Hang in there with your callings and such. The good thing is you're amazing at the things you do, so I'm sure you'll get everything done and do it well! Remember how crazy the 10 Virgins thing was, but what a success? :) At least you're not pregnant this time of year like you were then, and you've got a lovely East coast Fall to look forward to!
