Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And all that jazz

We went, we spoke, it's over. We were given many compliments on how well they went. One couple even said we should be sent on a speaking circuit. I think not. I was thinking once that was over I would feel a sense of relief and I do, but my musical "talents" are being put to use and almost to the extreme right now, and I'm happy to be involved. Right now I am playing a piece for the Choir to sing in the Christmas program. Singing with the choir in the program and singing a duet, and practicing to accompany a soloist this Sunday, and playing for the primary program this Sunday, and practicing the organ for my hymns for sacrament meeting this month. Whew. When I thought a few months back that I wanted to spend a little more time with my music I had no idea. I'm enjoying it for the most part. Especially singing in the choir. Our last ward didn't have a choir and so I have missed that.

On to Miss Kate and her glasses. We finally got them after waiting for what seemed like forever. I had forgotten that it really was a challenge initially for Anna to wear her's all the time. Right of the bat Kate and I had a talk about how to care for them where and where not to put them how to handle them etc. Within an hour they were lost, then later we found them in a bucket she had filled with lots of other toys. Apparently she took our little heart to heart to heart, or not. I keep reminding myself she is just barely 3. Within the first day she had bent one arm so badly they would no longer stay on her face. Yesterday we took the 6 mile journey to Target to get them fixed. One and half hours later we were home. That little jaunt with traffic is not fun and gonna kill me if we keep visiting so frequently. When we got home I noticed her glasses weren't on. When I asked her where they were she held them up...in two pieces!!! Thankfully after taking a close look at them I realized she hadn't broken them but that the screw wasn't holding the arm on on one side. I tried to fix them but they wouldn't stay so back to Target they went. This morning Kate woke up and put them on right away. I was feeling really encouraged until I came down this morning to find them on the floor under the table in the same two pieces as last night. I was NOT happy to say the least. I'm still not thrilled. I called Target and got an answering machine. I guess we are headed back today to demand a new pair of frames. Serenity now! Hurray they just called back and said they will give me a new frame. Yay!

I was a tad ornery to say the least yesterday when Ethan said to me on the way to Target, "Mom, maybe you could ask Santa this year to make you happy..., does that cheer you up." I wanted to
scream at that point but composed myself. The good news is this morning we got the confirmation that we will be watching the Macy's day parade in NYC on Thanksgiving from Rand's office. There are even going to stream the audio so we will actually know what's going on. They are providing brunch and I'm soooo looking forward to it. I know it will be crazy and make for an early morning but I consider it a chance of a life time. The Macy's parade is one of my very most favorite things about Thanksgiving Day. We plan to cook up the traditional dinner on Friday. It's Randall's birthday on the 24th so we will have a jam packed week next week but it should all be really fun.

Oh, and Christmas is coming early for us. Randall and I are gifting each other a treadmill and it arrives tomorrow. I'm so excited. I have missed a good hard run, or really any hard exercise for that matter. I'm a better Mom and person when I exercise hard so it will be a welcome thing. Randall will start to travel a fair amount starting in Dec. too so I'm glad I'll have an outlet even when he's gone. Gym memberships start here at about 100$ so we figured buying a treadmill would be economically a wise choice :)

So that's the update around these parts!


  1. Seriously - stinkin GLASSES! I would scream! But I am way glad that you figured out the audio problem-o with the parade - so much fun!

  2. I have been checking religiously for this post. And I am so sorry about the glasses! What a pain in the butt! I think Target should give your more than just a free pair. I would be insane by then. I am sorry you had to drag the kids with you. And holy cow miss music woman :) You are going are a very very busy lady and I knew your talks would be amazing.

    and HOLY COW, can I say how jealous I am of your thanksgiving morning! What an awesome experience! I love the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. We went twice when we lived in NJ. Your kids will love it, especially because they will be nice and warm!

    I need to ask Santa to help me be happy too so maybe we can write a joint letter :)

  3. I completely missed this post! And here we were just talking about our blogs... Sorry! I'm so glad your talks went well, and that they're putting you to good use in your ward! Wow, I'd be completely stressing out, but I'm sure you'll do amazing. I'm so sorry about the hassle with Kate's glasses! I love the pics of her, and I'm glad to hear she's doing better. I'll be sure to watch more carefully for your posts so I don't miss anymore. :) Have so much fun tomorrow and the rest of the week!!
