Friday, November 12, 2010

Speaking in church

I feel like I don't have much to say lately. I think part of that is that we were asked to speak in church this upcoming Sunday. We were asked two Sunday's ago which I kind of hate. That way I have even more time to stew, and worry and stress and not enjoy any down time because I think I should be working on that darn talk. The topic is Gratitude, which initially I thought was great. Gratitude is easy...but oh so broad. I have given it a lot of thought and read a lot of articles and have a rough draft. You would think with all the talking I do that I wouldn't mind speaking in church. Oh, but I do. I can sing, play the piano, teach a lesson with some nervousness yes, but speaking in Sacrament meeting is so not up there with my favorite things to do. To make matters worse until recently I always wrote my talk out word for word. I know, people hate that and it's hard to write it out that way. I am trying to be brave and let the spirit guide and not write it out word for word. I've done that in the past a few times but it makes me even more stressed. I never know what is going to come out of my mouth and how. I have a lot to be grateful for but I'm sure no one would appreciate me standing up and reading off a list. I'm sure somehow it will come together. I can't wait til it's over.


  1. Ha! We had to speak on Halloween and our topic was gratitude. We used President Monson's talk on gratitude from october conference. I also used a YW lesson from the current manual on gratitude. There were a few good stories in there. Josh also had some great examples of ingratitude during his talk. If you want any of them, just let us know! Good luck!

  2. You will end up doing amazing. But speaking in church is never ever fun! Gratitude is such a huge topic but perfect with Thanksgiving right around the corner. I am impressed that you are just going to go with an outline, but not surprised cause you are awesome :) good luck!

  3. So how was it?? I'm sure you did an amazing job, but yes, I know how stressful it is to plan a talk. :) I hope you feel good about how it went!
