Monday, November 29, 2010

When life give you lemons...have a tea party!

Today Anna was in mood to be sure. From morning to night it was just one thing after another. Tonight I had finally had it. She had spent a lot of time in time out upstairs, and would not quite screaming and crying. I finally told her if she did not stop she would soon be eating her dinner in her room and going straight to bed. Sure enough If wasn't long before I was bringing up her dinner. An hour later I quietly opened her door to get pajamas for the baby thinking I would find a dark room and a sleeping Anna. Not! She had pulled in the little table from Kate's room and was very contentedly having her own little tea party!


  1. I love Anna. my 2nd child sounds much the same :) I am glad she enjoyed her tea party.

  2. That's hilarious! You said it perfectly in your blog title. :)
