I was pretty low key like I said I am trying to be. Normally I would have a really nice centerpiece and have everyone dressed nicely for dinner. This year I exercised in the morning and showered but didn't even do my hair and make-up. Kate came to dinner in her pajama shirt and undies. I had the kids help me set the table and even had them help me fold the napkins to add to the table. It was a lot of fun and I was glad that they participated. Ethan even peeled all the potatoes. I was still very nice but low key and low stress. A win win for everyone.
We also put up our Christmas decorations this year. Last year I bought a little Christmas tree after Christmas for the kids. This year I let them decorate it all by themselves with all of our random ornaments. In years past I'm not a big fan of the "random" trees but this year truthfully I think I like their tree better than my nicely planned and plotted tree. I originally thought I would let them decorate "their" tree and then I would rearrange slightly. After they did it though I found that I liked it just they way they had done it. Bare in some spots and lots grouped together near the bottom. I even found myself totally in love this year for the first time with the little ornaments that the kids have made in school and brought home. I guess I'm growing up or something crazy like that.
It sounds like a perfect night! I love that Randall help so much in the kitchen...what a fun moment for you guys and your kids look darling and their tree does look perfect! I really want to do a kid tree sometime so that my tree isn't so cluttered! Happy Thanksgiving!