Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Resolution

New Year's Eve is usually the hardest day emotionally for me of the entire year. I always find myself looking back with regret that I didn't do everything I wanted or thought I should do. Always wishing I could change something etc. I feel down and depressed that I'm not thin enough, good enough, the list goes on and on. As I've given that some thought this year I really felt like all those feelings are just me feeling ingratitude. Instead I need to reflect on all the good things I've done, the many things that have been accomplished and not beat myself up that I wasn't perfect.

This year we have been immensely blessed. Some things at the top of the list are the birth of our sweet Jane. She is a happy and healthy baby, Randall's secure employment, our membership in our church, my parents getting through a very difficult trial this year, My parents health being sustained this year, a warm home, a car to drive, food on our table every single day and night and in between, something we definitely take for granted, a good relationship with my husband and children, wonderful friends who care about me and so much more. I am so incredibly blessed that tonight as I ring in the New year I want to focus on the blessings I've been given this year.

This year I make just one resolution. Allow me to explain.I've given some thought recently to how it's not fun to be around negative people. Being a detail oriented person like i am, it's very easy for me to notice everything, both good and bad. With that noticing it's easy to be overly critical or negative at times. I am realizing I can use that trait for the bad or see it as a great strength. This year instead of making a laundry list of things I think I need to change I am going to choose just one thing. That thing is to be positive. I think choosing to have a positive outlook on life can make every aspect of my life and those I associate with better.

Randall was recently talking to a friend and coworker of his who has a similar personality to mine. He also sees the details and can be overly critical. He told Randall that someone gave him the advice once to pretend as though everyone he saw had a sign taped to their forehead that read "Believe it or not, I'm doing my very best". I've given that a lot of thought, and already put that thought into practice and realize I am already a happier person. I think that was excellent advice. I think if more people would think that same way the world would be a happier place. With this in mind, I think it's going to be a pretty great year.

To read New year's post 2009 go here.
To read New Year post 2008 go here.


  1. That is a wonderful new years resolution that will facilitate any other things you thought about changing. Being very observant is a talent and even though you notice the bad, you also notice the good but I think dwelling extra on the good will only make your life better. I am going to be like you and try to be more positive as well. I really need it these next few months. You are so right that so many people follow the world and focus on the bad things...just look at the news, but there is so much good out there waiting to be found and I LOVE what randall's coworker said because I do believe that most people are trying their best. I have a million regrets (mainly regarding my parenting). I know that I did try my best at the time but I know that I can try harder and improve a lot. If you are ever feeling down or negative, call me and we can vent together which always ends up making me feel better :) Happy 2011!!!

  2. I love your good, honest posts. And I think most women struggle like you. I think your resolution and the advice you learned about is perfect! I learned this trip (thanks to David) that I need to be more positive as well, especially in stressful situations like driving through NYC traffic or stomping through freezing slush. :) So I'll be working on that too. It was so fun to see your house, and be able to picture everything now that I see your pictures! I hope things get a little more liveable soon, or atleast the roads. Everything sure looks pretty w/ all that snow, but I know what a pain it can be. I hope you had a fun New Year's Eve! Happy New Years!

  3. Good for you, Ash. I think you have got the right idea. We can do it all, just not all at once. Enjoy each day. They are all a gift. I need to do better on that. Thanks for the good ideas. Luz!!!!!!!!!
