Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh yes I did

Today it was suddenly time to take Anna to school and I was still in my sweaty workout clothes, hair in a ponytail and looking mighty fine. I looked in the basket downstairs where we keep some of our shoes and the only pair to be found were some high heeled black boots. After a rough night and about 3 hours of sleep, I was too tired to go upstairs, so just threw them on. I thought they complimented my faded black capri pants nicely. When Anna saw me she said, "you can't wear those!" I said "oh yes I can", and... I did. The whole way to school she kept telling me not to tell or show her teacher. I only drop her at the curb where an teacher takes her inside so I knew nobody would see my sweet get-up. I threatened a few times just for fun to tell Anna's teacher about my boots and she kept begging me not to.

Such a silly thing but I laughed to myself all the way to school and back. I needed that. I just may wear these boots tomorrow.


  1. LOL!!! that is so awesome. I love that Anna was so upset about it. haha

  2. You should have gotten out of the car just for laughs. I'm sorry you had such a rough night! Was it Jane? Didn't you just sleep through the night not too long ago? And I hope our conversation this morning had nothing to do with that text you accidently sent... ;)

  3. Melanie told me about that last night and it totally made me laugh and made my day. I wish you had to get out of the car but I guess for anna's sake its good you didn't :) I am so sorry about your sleep! we had a similar night last night. it stinks! I am glad dinner turned out though :) call me anytime!!

  4. You know what's great about being a mother? You get to embarras your children just like we always tried to when you were little. Somehow setting a timer for showers and lots of other useless rules make sense. Sad, huh?
