Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Ward

We have lived in a lot of places with many different wards, and most of them have been great, and I don't want to compare them, but I have to say that we are really blessed to be in a fantastic ward. My testimony grows and is strengthened because of those around me. Our ward members are such good examples of people so willing to support others. Let me give a few examples.

First off, when we moved into the ward we had oodles of help with the actual moving in. I was not there personally because Rand and my Dad arrived a day ahead of those of us flying in :), but I was told that there were many men who came to help. Our Bishop even came toward the end when things were fairly well moved in so he offered to stay and helped Rand put all the beds together so they could be settled in for our arrival. Many of the men work very long hours and yet when there is a move or a need in the ward they are there to help. If they didn't come I wouldn't even fault them. Their poor wives hardly see them so why should they be out helping someone else in their free time, but they do. We have been in other areas with other moves where that has not been the case.

Another example. About a month ago a couple moved into our ward and was expecting their first baby. A few weeks after they arrived the baby was born and her visiting teacher felt like she could use some things and decided to host a shower for her. She put the word out on I think a Tuesday for Saturday and truthfully I was nervous about who would be able to come with such short notice. I went and I think there were probably 20 women (or more) there. Many of the women gave this new mom several outfits. In fact this week I have had 2 more calls of sisters asking for this lady's address so they could drop off a gift for her. That same night there was a new member baptism-which I also love about this ward, new members! Anywho, again even though so many had already spent hours of their morning welcoming this new mom and baby into the ward they came to support this new man being baptized. In fact, we had such a great showing that I had to sit on the piano bench the whole time because the room was filled to capacity.

Then, yesterday I received word that a sister from our ward who was 8 months pregnant lost her baby this week. There was a graveside service this morning for the family. This family has only been a part of our ward less than a year and is not very well known. Again I attended wanting to show my support and was overwhelmed at all those who attended to show this poor family their support. I don't even know if some of them even knew this family. It was obviously an emotional morning because of their loss, but I was also just overcome with the goodness of our ward members. I am so grateful to be a part of this gospel and to be among so many great people. I have so many great examples around me and it is such a strength. I love to go to church each week and I haven't always felt that way. I feel the spirit there. I love fast and testimony meeting, and that has not always been the case. I learn so much from the people who bear their testimonies. Our youth, from what I know, seem to be amazing. They all wake up for early morning seminary about 4:30 to be ready for school before they start seminary I think about 6am. They are all very dedicated and are such good kids. The youth participate a lot in our meetings. The youth rotate leading the music in sacrament meeting every single week. They speak in our meetings often and they actually of depth and gospel knowledge. Sometimes when they speak I am reminded of talks that I have heard from returned missionaries. Randall's home teaching companion is 18 and such an amazing boy. Last year he had 100% early morning seminary attendance.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying there aren't other great wards out there, because there are great wards everywhere, and we have been in them, but for now I can't think of a better place that I would rather be to raise my children. Their teachers magnify their callings and care about our kids. I think there are 10 kids that will be baptized this year along with our Anna, which is so hard to believe by the way.

People ask how we like living in "the mission field", and while it's hard to be so far from family, It's definitely the place for us.


  1. I am glad you have such a amazing ward and of course it is only made more amazing with you there!

  2. You're right, there are many great wards out there- but there really is something special about the Short Hills ward. We loved it there, so many good people and the youth are amazing! Thanks for letting me read your blog, you're fantastic with words. Tell your family hello for us!
